Page Count vs Word Count in Fiction Books
several book signings, one question frequently asked of me has been, “How many
pages is the book?” I always explain that the novel is over 90,000 words. The
person’s expression, tells me that I might as well have been speaking a foreign
have no idea why the publishing industry has not educated the reading public
that word count determines the length of a novel and not the number of pages,
and that a 70,000-word book can have
more printed pages than a 90,000-word novel.
are several reasons for this that are useful to the publisher:
· Font style and size: A font style and
size will either increase or decrease the number of characters per page. Times
New Roman font delivers fewer characters per page than Garamond. The industry
standard for size is from 10 point to 13 point, with 11 point being the
· Margins: The size of the margins and
space allowed for the gutter (margin at spine) can manipulate the page count.
Space between lines affects the number
of characters on a page.
· Depth of drop on chapter title page:
This is another tool to increase the page count, or in the case of a fatter
book, to decrease the number of pages.
· Trim size: That is the finished size of
the book. Obviously, the larger the book, the more words that will fit into it.
Often, publishers will use a larger trim size to accommodate the large print
editions for those readers seeking a more comfortable font size.